Oh, you were expecting another soulless contact form to dump your "urgent inquiry" into the void? Sorry to disappoint, Karen. We stopped pretending those were secure back when MySpace was cool.
Could we build you a Fort Knox-level secure contact form? Obviously.
Should we? Probably.
Will we? Lol, no.
Texas? We might grace you with our physical presence.
Rest of USA? Depends on how interesting your problem is.
International? The more zeros in the budget, the smaller the world becomes.
Yes, we take your privacy seriously. No, we won't sell your email to that sketchy marketing list you're already probably on. Your secrets are safe with us – we're too busy building actual secure stuff to care about your LinkedIn premium status or that "revolutionary" app idea you had in the shower.
Will we protect your data with military-grade encryption? Absolutely. Will we protect your feelings? No promises.
Remember: Every time someone submits a contact form, a developer loses their mechanical keyboard privileges. Email us instead. We might even read it.
P.S. If you're still looking for a form to fill out, here's a link to one we made just for you